I looked down at him, with his tourmaline eyes and copper hair and believed him despite my better judgment. Then I forgave him despite my misgivings. I loved him just because I did. My heart wasn’t sensible or guarded enough. Not by a sight.
I was a walking raw nerve ending of emotion, as if the years I’d spent away from men and sex had made me more emotional, more vulnerable, more foolish than before. I ran my fingers through his hair, feeling like the victim of a crime of consent.
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Please let me know if there is more coming after #6. Purchased all listed but already know after reading 1-3 i am glad i got all at one time. Plan on ignoring my other 1550 books on my nook and read to end. Thank you for all enjoyment i have had reading these. Going on nook to check other books out too.
Book 7 will be out Oct 7 – it’s the last one!
When will “Resist” #6 be released by iTunes? Love the books!!!
I uploaded Resist to iTunes on August 7th. iTunes has still not approved it.
They check all erotica, and it takes forever. Blame the prudes at Apple.
Meantime, you can use the Kindle software on your iPad or Ipod.
Thanks so much! Love your books!