When I got up to speak about Flint in front of a few hundred bookish people in Hawaii, I asked this question. About 30% raised their hands.
We are all so busy, so inundated with our own very real problems, that a crisis affecting thousands of children can get lost. I have to admit, most of what flies by my newsfeed is lost on me.
But this touched my soul, and maybe it will touch yours, too.
Babies. Their bodies are so vulnerable. Everything they eat contributes to their growth and development.
Except lead.
Lead pretends its calcium and leaches into bones, making them brittle, weak and empty. It pretends it's a brain food and sits there, preventing growth.
Children with lead poisoning are brain damaged.
Can you imagine if lead was in your tap water?
I can. And it breaks my heart.
Flint, Michigan has lead in the tap water. A failure of government that cuts across party lines caused alarming toxicity in the water of Flint, and it's been going on for YEARS. Kids have been drinking poison leaded water for YEARS.
Ok so there's that.
Am I going on too long? Sorry. I'll get to the point.
The book community is populated with some of the most compassionate, loving mothers, aunts, grandmas, and friends I've ever seen. If this story touches your soul the way it touched mine, I want to tell you about a way to donate money that will automatically multiply your donation SIX TIMES.
That means if you give $10, it will become $60.
Five authors are matching book world donations. Christine D Reiss, Corinne Michaels, Laurelin Paige, Melanie Harlow, Melanie Marchande and more are signing up every day.
1) Go to Flintkids.org
2) Click on DONATE NOW
3) Give what you can
4) Put “Harlow” in the field that asks you where you heard about the fund.
DO IT NOW! Don't wait. This matching is only happening until the 19th. Please. Those kids need you.